Saturday 5 October 2013

Assignment 3 - Depth Of Field

Depth of field is the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that give an image judged to be in focus in a camera.
This photo was taken by Annie Leibovitz from the collection 'Disney Collection' where she captured images from famous disney movies.
Annie has used the depth of field very well in photo, the models are in focus and everything further away in the background is out of focus and blurry. I also think she has used the rule of thirds in this photo which usually draws your attention to the top two-thirds of the photo.

Friday 4 October 2013

Assignment 3 - Lighting 
This website helped me, I found some techniques and hints to help me when taking a photo. 
This photo was taken by Annie Leibovitz.
This photo looks as if it is was taken on a stage because of the lights being shone down from above. The lights are extremely bright in the photo pointing down on the model, which makes her dress look more bold and detailed. I like how well the photo is lit up and they come from behind her which makes her dress look softer.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Assignment 3 - Focal Point

Focal point is part of an image that draws the eye to the most important part of the picture.
This photo was taken by Vee Speers.
The model is stood directly in the middle which makes you focus on her, my attention is drawn to the dolls she is holding in her arms, the dolls are very dark and mysterious.
There are no shadows or anything distracting you from the model. The model is showing no emotion at all in the photo. There are lights being shone on her at different angles leaving no shadows.